Information for parents/carers

t+centres works closely with parents and carers to provide an integrated response to the needs of the young person.

We keep in close contact with you so that we can understand any issues the student may bring in with them from home, and you are kept up to date with their progress and any achievements or incidents at school. We will be in touch with you weekly, but at times we may need to be communicating on a daily basis while we work together to help your child/ward to navigate the school experience and/or life in general.

Parents and carers are welcome at any time to make an appointment with eirther a subject teacher or key worker to discuss any issues, or to meet the staff. We offer an open and transparent environment wherein parent and carer views are sought, valued and acted upon. Our aim is always to form positive working relationships to maximise the opportunity for your child/ward to fulfil their potential.

The Thrive Approach is an important aspect of our learning environment that enables us to work with students with a range of developmental, social or emotional needs. We are happy to support you in using this approach at home, to complement what we do at school and to provide your child with a consistent approach.

From Year 10 onwards, pupils choose from a range of GCSE and vocational courses, preparing them for college, apprentices or work. We will involve you in our discussions with your child/ward and with Careers South West, to provide guidance in helping your child to make these important decisions. 

 Unfortunately due to the small size of the school we cannot publish past academic results on here as they would be easily identifiable to individual students but are happy to discuss these results with you.


If your child/ward is unwell or unable to come to school for any reason, please call the centre as early as possible. You will also need to contact your transport provider.



We appreciate how important modern technology is to your child/ward. We also recognise that mobile phones can be very disruptive to their learning. If you can encourage your child to leave their phone at home, that would be very helpful.

If they do bring their phone to school, they can earn reward points each time they hand their phone in. (These points can be converted into vouchers of their choice.)




We want our students to feel comfortable at t+centres. No uniform is required, but we do ask that they don't wear any clothing that could be seen as offensive. They may be asked to wear certain garnments, for example waterproofs, depending on the activties their timetable includes.


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